Tourist information Makkum
Camping Sotterum
Koninklijke Tichelaar Makkum (2 km.)
The only remaining factory of tin glazed pottery in the Netherlands. See: 65, Makkum. Phone. 0515 231341.
The Waag (2 km.)
Museum Ald Makkum. Also tourist office Makkum. Waaggebouw Makkum,; tourist information Wunseradiel
Pottery factory Altena & Krooyenga (2 km.)
Casemate Museum Kornwerderzand (6 km.)
Anyone driving over the Afsluitdijk will pass the casemates of Kornwerderzand: the former defense line on the Afsluitdijk. Six bunkers have been refurbished and give a picture of the Second World War, in which they proved their worth; the German armies were held back at the Afsluitdijk until the surrender. i.a. the daily life of the military and the role of the resistance. There are boat trips from Makkum to the museum. Phone. 0515 541984.
The Aldfears Erfroute takes you past old Frisian villages and age-old crafts:
Aldfaers Erf Route
Camping Sotterum is the ideal starting point for the 'Aldfaers Erf' route. This museum route shows you the life and work of the Frisian rural population. You can see and experience it in the villages; Exmorra, Allingawier, Ferwoude and Piaam. Piaam: Natural history. Museum 'It Fgelhûs'. Allingawier: Word and Image Church with creation story, museum farm, dribble cake bakery and blacksmith shop. Exmorra: grutter shop and village school. Ferwoude: astronomer's carpentry workshop.
Poldermolen Cornwerd
Restored mill, 900 meters from Sotterum. If you would like to see the inside of the mill and see it in operation, you can call the miller to make an appointment: John Hutchinson, tel. 0515 231704.
The Babuurstermolen, Tjerkwerd.
2000 years of struggle against the water in Friesland. Open from April to September on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 13.00-16.30. All year round by appointment. Phone 0515 576765
Flour mill De Onderneming (9 km.)
Open: Saturday from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, at the Molenweg in Witmarsum.
Hideout church Menno's Fermanje in Pingjum (7 km.)
A Mennonite clandestine church, with a slideshow about the life of Menno Simons. Menno Simons was born in 1496 in Witmarsum. He was an Anabaptist leader who became so famous that his followers were often named after him, Mennonites or Mennonites. After his ordination to the priesthood he became vicar in Pingjum in 1524. From 1531 to 1536 he was a priest in his birthplace Witmarsum, then left the Roman Catholic Church (in 1536) and joined the Baptists. The RC. Church forbids reforms and persecutes the Baptists. That is why he and his family often have to flee and go into hiding. He makes long secret journeys and after many wanderings he and his family find shelter with patron Graaf von Ahlefeldt in Bad Oldesloe in Germany. After having lived here for 7 "quiet" years, he dies in 1561. preached; to the Great Neighbors 28.
Bird watching hut (5 km.)
From the bird museum in Piaam it is possible to observe birds from an observation hut. About 220 different species of birds inhabit the Waard area. The museum 'It Fûgelhûs' is open daily from 09:00 - 17:30. On Sundays and public holidays from 9.30 am - 5.30 pm.
art route
In the art month of May. Art route every Sunday in May from 12:00 to 17:00. Info:
cottage cheese factory
The Buterblom. Wonnebuursterweg 10 Ferwoude, tel. 0515 542199. Open: by appointment.
bike rental
Bicycle rental M. Venema, Markt 6, 8754 ES Makkum Tel. 0515 231484.
Riding school Boeyenkamp (800 m.)
Equestrian Center Boeyenkamp (next to Camping Sotterum), including riding lessons and covered wagon rides. Firma van Dijk VOF, Sotterumerdijk 15, Cornwerd, tel. 0515 231315, fax. 0515 231685, E-mail: