Tourist information Sneek
Camping Sotterum
Sneek (22 km)
Water sports city Sneek, the center of the Frisian southwest corner, is a water city. Bordered by a city canal, the city center is intersected by canals that run to one point: the Wip. In these canals the barges used to be, which brought the products to the Sneker markets. The monument that Sneeksroem proudly displays is a reminder of that trade in the Middle Ages: the Waterpoort. The Sneker Waterpoort is an ornamental gate in Renaissance style. When the military significance of the city gates declined in the course of the 16th century, they took on a representative character; and became the symbol of the wealth of a city. The Sneker Waterpoort dates from 1613. Wandering through Sneek means going back in time. Historic buildings can be found on almost every street. The Sneekweek and skûtsjesilen are part of Sneek. Every year in August, from the first Saturday, there is a party in the Water Sports City.